About Cannon Theater Company
Cannon Company is a not-for-profit theater dedicated to presenting classic texts with an ensemble company.
We feel that the long-term develoment of projects with an ongoing group of artists creates an oppurtunity for deep, resonant, and rigorous work. We believe that classic texts, ancient or modern, contain a vital spark of humanity which has endured beyond its immediate impact, and that this spark can be transmitted to the next generation of audiences. Cannon's aim is to forge dynamic and provocative connections between the past and the present through the resources of contemporary production and performance. By committing to a shared vision and collaborative approach, we seek to move beyond outdated institutional models toward a theater organization designed to meet the challenges and oppurtunities of the twenty-first century.

Cannon's Mission
Our mission has three main components:
Presenting productions of texts from the dramatic canon and maintaining these productions in repertory as part of their on-going development. Presenting productions of unproduced or little-known classic texts, as well of adaptations of classic non-dramatic texts and literature.Providing educational programs which supplement and expand upon these productions for students, younger and older audiences, and non-traditional theatergoers.